The fact that products and services are becoming increasingly similar is nothing new. Differentiation from the competition and the communication of „real“ advantages are thus facing particular challenges. Against this background, the brand is becoming a critical success factor. The brand shapes consumer behavior and strengthens organizational competitiveness. Together with you, we develop a holistic brand positioning and accompany its implementation.

According to the Gabler Lexikon Marketingbrand identity is the consistent sum of all characteristics of a brand that permanently distinguishes this object from others and thus constitutes its brand personality. How is such a brand identity or corporate identity created?

First of all, branding has nothing to do with operational marketing measures - whether offline or online. Nor should "corporate identity" or "branding" be reduced to a name, a logo or a specific design. Rather, it is about holistic brand management that encompasses all identity dimensions.

When developing a brand identity, we are guided by the holistic brand model described by Klaus Schmidt (2003). According to this model, brand and corporate identities are made up of six dimensions: Culture, Behavior, Products and Services, Markets and Customers, Design and Communication. Positioning forms the core of the holistic brand model; it is influenced by the six dimensions and also influences them.

In workshops and focus groups involving employees at all levels, we develop the elements of a holistic positioning together with our clients in a multi-stage process:

  • Vision: forward-looking statement on the goals of a company or brand
  • Mission: ways and measures to achieve the goals formulated in the vision
  • Values: individual and collective attitudes on which the actions of a brand or company are based
  • Differentiation factors (core of positioning): define the distinguishing features that are critical for market success compared to the competition, distinguishing between rational and emotional differentiation aspects
  • Customer benefit: is derived from the entirety of the differentiation factors and their aspects
  • Value proposition: The basis for the formulation is the customer benefit

The holistic positioning is condensed into a mission statement. However, this is only half the job. To ensure that the mission statement does not just remain on paper, but is given operational relevance, we support the permanent anchoring of the formulated claim and self-image in corporate behavior, corporate communication and corporate image.